Resources for services we do not offer:
Doodle Dogs in Nampa
Escape the Crate located in Boise and Garden City
Camp Bow Wow in Boise
Downtown Hound in Boise
Suggestions on your favorite boarding kennel is welcome!
Therapy dog training:
Most organizations (hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, care homes, etc.) offer their own training programs as they have specific criteria and it is best to contact them directly- please visit the websites listed for local resources:
To prepare for the test, please go online to the ATD website, Click on the “Join” drop-down menu, then “Be a Member”. You will find a lot of information about ATD and the process of registration. Scroll down to the “Download Membership Forms” and download the .pdf file. Please read through it all, there is good information. The forms that you need to print start with the Application on page 17.
A special thank you to Michael Hayhurst for the above information
Information on therapy dog vs service dogs and their uses, traits necessary in these dogs etc can be found at this link:
Thank you to Jo Miller for sharing this link!
Hunting training:
We recommend Jeff and Debbie Weber at "Fetch This Kennel" 208-642-4245 or ask your veterinarian for a reference
Agility Training:
We have many reputable agility trainers in the valley. A few we have been personally told about with rave reviews are: Julie Bender with Winsome Dog TrainingOffers beginning/foundation agility as well as advanced agility
Q Quest Agility--Donna Lee4723 Easter DriveNampa, ID 83686"She is great to work with and does AKC, USDAA and NADAC. All three organizations have local trials." Customer comment
Service dog training:
We recommend Canine Companions for Independence this is the one tried and true organization and although many trainers offer this service we stand very firmly on our referral only to CCI This site offers some very important laws regarding service dogs, violations of the laws that we sadly see often as well as some resources when looking into getting a service dog
Guard/attack training:
Any dog falling into the category of a guardian breed is already predisposed to protection and we have often seen that encouraging that natural born instinct can damage the dog's own talent and result in an unpredictable dangerous pet that can no longer be trusted for what we needed in the first place. “Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”
George Bernard Shaw
Escape the Crate located in Boise and Garden City
Camp Bow Wow in Boise
Downtown Hound in Boise
Suggestions on your favorite boarding kennel is welcome!
Therapy dog training:
Most organizations (hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, care homes, etc.) offer their own training programs as they have specific criteria and it is best to contact them directly- please visit the websites listed for local resources:
To prepare for the test, please go online to the ATD website, Click on the “Join” drop-down menu, then “Be a Member”. You will find a lot of information about ATD and the process of registration. Scroll down to the “Download Membership Forms” and download the .pdf file. Please read through it all, there is good information. The forms that you need to print start with the Application on page 17.
A special thank you to Michael Hayhurst for the above information
Information on therapy dog vs service dogs and their uses, traits necessary in these dogs etc can be found at this link:
Thank you to Jo Miller for sharing this link!
Hunting training:
We recommend Jeff and Debbie Weber at "Fetch This Kennel" 208-642-4245 or ask your veterinarian for a reference
Agility Training:
We have many reputable agility trainers in the valley. A few we have been personally told about with rave reviews are: Julie Bender with Winsome Dog TrainingOffers beginning/foundation agility as well as advanced agility
Q Quest Agility--Donna Lee4723 Easter DriveNampa, ID 83686"She is great to work with and does AKC, USDAA and NADAC. All three organizations have local trials." Customer comment
Service dog training:
We recommend Canine Companions for Independence this is the one tried and true organization and although many trainers offer this service we stand very firmly on our referral only to CCI This site offers some very important laws regarding service dogs, violations of the laws that we sadly see often as well as some resources when looking into getting a service dog
Guard/attack training:
Any dog falling into the category of a guardian breed is already predisposed to protection and we have often seen that encouraging that natural born instinct can damage the dog's own talent and result in an unpredictable dangerous pet that can no longer be trusted for what we needed in the first place. “Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.”
George Bernard Shaw